I have been thinking a lot about what does it really mean to be in the driver's seat of our careers?
I've come to believe that it's the difference between renting a car and taking a tour bus.
Imagine you go to your favorite destination…Hawaii, and you take the tour bus because:
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You don’t know how to drive
You are afraid of getting lost
You are afraid of getting into an accident
You are afraid of driving on the other side of the road, or
You are afraid of what your friends will say if they found out you missed the most popular tourist spots!
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But when you take the tour bus, they do take you to the most popular spots, but they are all busy with tourists with long lines.
Maybe you like a spot and what to stay longer, but you only have an hour to stay there before the bus leaves.
They always stop at shops where you are forced to go inside, look at things they want you to buy, and you end up overpaying for stuff you didn’t even need in the first place.
Now imagine you know how to drive, you stop being afraid of getting into an accident or getting a driving ticket, and decide to rent a car.
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You stop at any waterfall that looks pretty.
You make a detour and do a little hike.
You stop to say hi and dance with the locals.
You stay a bit longer at the beach to watch the sunset.
You grab a burger and a beer at the boutique shop, and come back to your hotel feeling happy and content because you spent the day as you wanted to.
If you do not choose to be in the driver’s seat, someone else will be.
Your parents will drive it, your boss will drive it, your HR will drive it, your company will drive it, or the economy will drive it.
If you want to command a career and compensation on your own terms, you need to be in the driver’s seat of your career.
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Ready to use proven strategies to ditch playing safe, position yourself as the go to leader, and command the career and compensation you deserve?