Aug 10 / Richa Bansal

From Toxic Boss to $200k+ Offers: How to Reclaim Your Career Potential

For my client, Nisha, the toxicity of her current workplace was costing her more than she realized.

Nisha worked for one of the largest F500 companies in the world.

As a software engineering manager, from the outside, she had an envious career, overseeing a team of 30+ people and a large IT portfolio.

But when a toxic boss took over the team, questioning her every action and humiliating her in front of her team, her confidence took a nose dive.

As she jumped in the market to seek her next role, the initial string of no’s in this market only aggravated her confirmation bias….

Perhaps her new boss is right.

Perhaps she didn’t have what it takes.

Perhaps her career success so far was a fluke.

Before Nisha started working with me, she was turning down Director-level opportunities and only applying for mid-level engineering jobs.

Through our work together, we did the following:

This was the most important step of the process. She worked on her belief that she can indeed apply for and qualify for positions that will 2X her salary. We also worked on her confidence to make the transition from the Energy industry to the Tech industry by positioning her experience correctly.
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1. Did a deep career audit to recalibrate her belief about the breath and depth of her experience
2. Revamped her Resume and LinkedIn to position her for Director level roles
3. Supported her through mock interviews so she could confidently handle questions regarding her toxic workplace

Through our coaching:

- She revived a VP role that she had previously turned down.
- She said yes to an interview that she had previously said no to.
- She applied to roles that she previously thought she was overqualified for.

👉 RESULT: $200k+ offers from two companies within 75 days of working together.

The toxicity of Nisha’s current workplace was costing her more than she realized.
It was costing her confidence, pride, money, and most importantly, her career dream to reach CXO roles.

Just like Nisha, you can stop the bleeding.
Apply for THE FEARLESS HIRE coaching program to learn how you can stop underselling yourself in the job market and land your next $200k+ role within 90 days.

(client name changed to protect privacy)

Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1. THE FEARLESS HIRE: The only career accelerator for mid-senior women that are ready to land their next $150k - $400k job offer. Get the proven playbook, personalized coaching, and accountability you need to build your career on your own timeline, and become recession-proof. 

2. WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP ACCELERATOR: The only women's leadership accelerator for mid-senior women across the Government of Canada. This 6-month leadership program will give you the confidence, skills and network you need to fast-track your growth to executive roles.

3. PARTNER WITH PINKCAREERS: Bring our award-winning keynotes, training and women's leadership programs to your organization to solidify your DEIB efforts. 

Your dream career begins here.

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