Today I want to talk to you about one of the most common problems I hear from my clients: Failing to convert Director level interviews into multi-six-figure offers!
You are a high performer with 10+ years of experience.
You graduated top of the class with a Masters's, PhD or MBA degree.
You are routinely appreciated at work for your hard work and results.
You are the subject matter expert, someone your team can lean on with confidence.
You know you have what it takes to get to the next level and you are ready for more.
And that means, you are routinely landing Director level interviews.
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None of those interviews are converting.
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Leaving you wondering what you are doing wrong, shattering your confidence, and pushing your dream to reach CXO positions further and further away.
Below is a three-step process I use with my clients, and you can use it to too triage the root cause, fix the problem and land the offer you deserve!
If you don’t feel proud of your work or don’t really understand the impact your work is creating, you will always hesitate to talk about that experience in your interview with confidence. The first step is to understand and internalize your work's impact, even if you thought it was trivial or non-consequential.
Are you letting your imposter syndrome speak in the interview for you? To speak confidently in an interview, you have to believe in your heart that you got the ability to replicate the results at any organization because you deeply understand your brand, your craft, and what unique value you bring to the table.
The final step is to get tactical! Once you have nailed down your superpowers, it’s now time to ditch the impromptu and practice communicating in a way that helps connect the dots for the interviewer between the value you can deliver and the macro-level, quantitative impact it will have on their business.
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Remember, promotions and next-level opportunities come only when you can demonstrate that you are already operating at the next level.
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Ready to use proven strategies to ditch playing safe, position yourself as the go to leader, and command the career and compensation you deserve?