Women often believe the lies they are told about why they, yet again, didn’t get the promotion they were expecting since the beginning of last year.
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"We can't promote you right now due to budget constraints.”
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"There are no open positions at the moment.”
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"We have a promotion freeze in place due to company-wide policies.”
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If you believe one of these lies that your boss told you about why your dream promotion cannot become a reality yet, let me give you some tough love.
You are not getting promoted because you haven’t bridged the gap between why you think you should get promoted and why your boss thinks you should get promoted.
In fact, 99% of my clients who find themselves being passed over for promotion year after year are making one of these 4 mistakes:
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Mistake #1: Being Known as the Helpful or Reliable One
Mistake #2: Saying Yes to Every Task
Mistake #3: Not Being Visible to the Right Stakeholders
Mistake #4: Not Asking for the Promotion
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Still waiting for a promotion you were promised? It’s time to stop believing excuses and start bridging the gap.
Stop waiting for permission to lead. Apply for THE FEARLESS HIRE, where I’ll help you ditch self-doubt and position yourself as a leader.
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